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Solar panels installed in Naryn region

Project on introduction of new technologies in the field of renewable energy and energy-saving sources in Kyrgyzstan is being implemented jointly with the Asian Development Bank. The State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use reported.

According to it, autonomous power supply sets with a capacity of 300 watts with household appliances (a set of solar panels, a controller with batteries, TV, a fridge / freezer, LED lamps / lamps) are installed. The committee suggested distributing the sets among the villages.

As a result, Ken-Suu village in Dzhumgal district of Naryn region was chosen as a pilot one. The complexity of the mountainous terrain and the lack of roads prevented the electrification of the village.

At least 15 sets have already been installed in the village. In case of the successful use of such devices, the committee and ADB will study the possibility of introducing the complexes throughout the country for partial electrification of the districts.
