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No printed media deep in countryside. Newspapers offered online format

The Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism intends to change format of regional state newspapers to electronic one. The head of the ministry Sultan Zhumagulov told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, draft resolution is being prepared, according to which regional and district printed media should work online. In his opinion, this will save budget funds.

«There are more than 40 district and regional newspapers in Kyrgyzstan. From six to eight people work there. At the same time, the newspaper is published in paper form twice a month in small amount. This system is obsolete, people read the Internet more often now. We intend to transform these newspapers into the electronic format. It is also planned to optimize the staff — we will leave those who are able to work in the modern format. We will not keep the dependents,» stressed Sultan Zhumagulov.

He added that the staff of many of the printed media are ready for the forthcoming reforms.

Earlier, the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism reported that, on behalf of the government, it is planned to create regional media centers on the basis of state regional television and radio companies that will provide a range of information services. The goal of the reform is to optimize the budget money allocated for the maintenance of 34 district, 12 regional newspapers and 6 regional TV channels.
