The State Mortgage Company plans construction of economy class housing. Chairman of the Board of the State Mortgage Company Baktybek Shamkeev told today at a press conference.
According to him, this work began in Naryn in September 2017. «Until the end of 2018, we plan to complete the construction of a 60-apartment residential building and launch a lease mechanism with subsequent redemption. The same housing, only a 135-apartment building, is being built in Tunguch in Bishkek. We hope that in early 2019 we will put it into operation,» Baktybek Shamkeev said.
As soon as the question of financing еру economy class housing in other regions is resolved, construction will also begin there. The projects are ready for Talas, Batken, Karakol and Jalal-Abad.
«In 2018, we plan to disburse about one billion soms for lending to employees of the state-financed organizations. Within the framework of the funds that will be received from the sale of mortgage securities, we plan to attract loans for all other people,» Baktybek Shamkeev said.
«This year, funding for non-budgetary loans will be launched through KfW (German Development Bank) in all regions except for Bishkek and Osh. The purpose of this program is to develop the construction of new housing in the regions. There is enough supply in Bishkek and Osh, and in the regions there is a great demand, and the citizens who got into the Affordable Housing program do not always have the opportunity to find suitable housing in the primary market,» explained Baktybek Shamkeev.