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Air pollution in Bishkek exceeds maximum permissible concentration 2-3 times

According to Kyrgyzgidromet, in recent months, the level of air pollution in Bishkek exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances 2-3 times. Such data are presented in the answer to the request of the deputy of Parliament Dastan Bekeshev.

 In particular, the average monthly content of nitrogen dioxide exceeds MPC 2.2 times, formaldehyde - 3.6 times, nitrogen oxide -1.8 times.

 In the central part of the city, air pollution remained above the average for the city.

The concentration of carbon oxides has not been controlled since the 2000s due to equipment failure and lack of emissions analyzers.

 "According to the general plan, Bishkek roads are designed for 40,000-45,000 cars, but today about 500,000 cars are moving on them. Currently, the concept of low-carbon development of Kyrgyzstan until 2020 is being worked out," the officials said in the response.

 Activists are conducting an alternative air quality research in Bishkek. According to them, the situation in the capital of Kyrgyzstan is sometimes worse than in Beijing (PRC).
