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Kyrgyzstan - 1st country in Central Asia that joined Open Government Partnership

Kyrgyzstan became the first country in Central Asia that joined the Open Government Partnership. This is reported on OGP website.

The Open Government Partnership is an international platform that unites 74 states and 15 regional governments.

«We are very proud to become a part of the Open Government Partnership. We are honored to be the first country in Central Asia, and, taking this path, we understand the importance of the responsibility entrusted to us,» the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Sapar Isakov said. «The government is firmly convinced that only openness and transparency will lead us to sustainable development. Success in the economy, improvement of the investment climate, the further construction of a democratic society and the confidence of citizens in our work depend entirely on progress in creating an open, accountable and transparent government.»

OGP is a unique multilateral initiative aimed at ensuring concrete commitments by governments to increase transparency, expand civic engagement, combat corruption and use new technologies to make governments more open, effective and accountable to citizens.
