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More than 150 settlements in Kyrgyzstan not classified as villages

Five settlements of Jalal-Abad region are to be classified as aiyl (village). The bill has been submitted to the Parliament.

As of October 1, 2017, more than 150 settlements of the republic are not classified as aiyl (village).

These are settlements Tostu, Tuyuk-Zhar, Olon-Bulak, Charbak and Kara-Bashat of Kashka-Suu rural area of Aksy district of Jalal-Abad region, although they meet all the necessary criteria.

«The classification as a village will allow the local community to solve local issues in its own interests and under its responsibility, which will give new opportunities for the improvement of the populated center, its effective and independent development, compilation of statistical data,» the background statement says.

70,000 soms are required for the draft of the schematic map, for the signs at the entrances and exits. This amount will be financed by sponsors. The maintenance of village elders of the newly formed five villages will require 420,000 soms from the local budget.
