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More than 40,000 trees to be planted in Bishkek until 2020

Mayor of the capital Albek Ibraimov told about plans for gardening in Bishkek today at the next session of the City Council, presenting the draft program for the development of the city until 2020.

«Previously, Bishkek was considered as one of the greenest cities in the USSR, when there were 21 square meters of green space per one city resident. Now this figure has dropped to 11 square meters,» the document says.

Within the program, it is planned to plant 46,000 trees and 15,000 shrubs, to increase the green spaces per person up to 17 square meters.

In 2017, more than 6,000 trees have already been planted. In total, more than 15,000 large seedlings such as maple, oak, catalpa, birch, ash, chestnut, poplar, plane tree and linden are planned to be planted during the year.
