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SCNS intends to check video of Omurbek Babanov's speech in Osh

The State Committee for National Security will check video materials with the speech of the presidential candidate Omurbek Babanov made in Osh city. The check was started to give a legal assessment. Prosecutor General’s Office reported.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic sent the materials to SCNS for carrying out an inspection with the appointment of relevant examinations, including linguistic ones.

Recall, fragments from Omurbek Babanov’s public speech to residents of Osh micro district On-Adyr on September 28 were widely distributed in social networks. Extracted from the context episodes of speech caused a wide response. Users of social networks were outraged by alleged calls for protest actions.

Headquarters of the candidate called it a provocation and promised to file a police report against the distributors.
