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Kyrgyzstan has no political will to implement decisions of UN bodies

"Kyrgyzstan has no political will to implement decisions of the UN treaty bodies," the special report of Ombudsman «Access to Justice: Main Problems» says.

«Political leaders consider the decisions of UN bodies as interference in the internal affairs of the state, while their execution is an obligation under international human rights treaties," the document says.

In 2017, 17 decisions have already been taken against Kyrgyzstan, in which the committee acknowledged human rights violations, and 23 more complaints are awaiting consideration.

« When receiving the decision of the UN Human Rights Committee, which provides a detailed analysis of the situation in the field of specific violations, the state refuses to recognize the authority of the conclusion and the fact that the violation had taken place. Such a position causes significant damage to the image of the country as a democratic state, striving to establish the rule of law," the special report says.
