USD 88.39
EUR 94.96
RUB 0.97

1,562 tons of cement delivered to natural disaster victims in Chon-Alai

A total of 1, 562 tons of cement were delivered from May 16 to June 14 to earthquake victims in Chon-Alai district of Osh region. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, organized delivery of construction materials to the affected region continues, on June 14, at least 100 tons of cement were delivered to the southern center of the emergency department.

Earlier, the Ministry of Emergency Situations' employees delivered more than 17 tons of food products.

Recall, the earthquake intensity in Shibee, Karamyk and Kara-Teyit settlements in Chon-Alai district was 6 points, in other regions — 4–5 points. As a result, homes and social objects were damaged.

More than 3,000 people were resettled into tents.
