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Only 39 percent of youth in Kyrgyzstan satisfied with choice of university

SMS opinion poll was held in Kyrgyzstan on the topic why young people choose a particular profession. The National Institute for Strategic Studies reported.

It is reported that the opinion poll was conducted on the eve of the final exams, so that the graduates of schools could be guided in the choice of universities and professions.

The survey involved 946 people from 40 districts of Kyrgyzstan.

Most of the respondents (47 percent) expressed their opinion that they study or planning to enter state universities, 10 percent intend to study abroad, and 9 percent want to enter non-state educational institutions.

The highest priority condition for 32% of respondents of all age categories was the quality of education, and for 18% — the demand in the labor market for graduates of the chosen educational institution. Another 18 percent do not care where to study, the main thing is to get an education.

The choice of the institution is influenced by parents (24 percent), advice from acquaintances and relatives (24 percent), and cost of education (25 percent).

It is noteworthy that for respondents aged 14–28, the opinion of parents is important, while the choice of respondents over 28 was influenced by the cost of study.

Choosing a specialty, respondents are usually guided by their interests (44 percent). Eleven percent of the respondents were oriented to the demand in the labor market, and as much — to the salary. The choice of the specialty turned out to be accidental for the majority of respondents older than 28 years (17 percent).

39 percent of students are satisfied with the choice of the university, and only 9 percent are unhappy. 16 percent of those who have already graduated from the university are satisfied with the choice, and 9 percent — no.

88 percent of schoolchildren plan to work in the specialty at the end of the university, as well as 53 percent of students (20–24 years). 17 percent are already working, but not in their specialty.

The survey showed that at the end of the university 30 percent of respondents under the age of 19 want to work in state institutions, 31 percent (20 to 24 years) intend to go abroad, and 31 percent over 25 years plan to start their own business.
