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25,000 teachers in Kyrgyzstan badly need housing

About 25,000 teachers in Kyrgyzstan badly need housing. Deputy Director of the State Mortgage Company Nurzhigit Usenkan uulu said today at a parliament meeting.

According to him, many teachers live in rented apartments for more than a dozen years. At the same time, they not always can take a loan because the monthly payments depend on the mortgage loan size.

Housing is cheaper in the regions and it is easier to work there. Residents of Balykchy and Tash- Kumyr take loans of 200,000–400,000 soms to buy housing. At present, the average loan amount is 996, 000 soms. Monthly payments reach 12,700 soms, in Bishkek — 19,000 soms.

The Deputy Head of SMC told, if a person pays 10,000 soms per month for credit, his income must reach 15,000–16,000 soms. However, the deputy Saidulla Nyshanov cited another figure — 35,000 soms to take loan for one-bedroom apartment.
