The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan adopted a resolution on approval of the state standard of general education of the Kyrgyz Republic.
According to the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers, the state standard ensures:
- Social guarantee and preservation of a single educational space;
- Development of a basic curriculum, subject standards, educational programs, teaching and methodological complexes for all schools, regardless of the form of ownership;
- Continuity of subject standards and programs at all levels of general education;
- Quality management of education;
- Establishment of equivalence of documents on basic general and secondary general education.
For general education organizations, a basic curriculum is developed for the following levels of education:
- Primary general: grades 1-6;
- Basic general: grades 7-9;
- Secondary general: grades 10-12.
Three types of assessment are used to measure individual educational achievements and progress of students in the classroom: diagnostic, formative and summative.
A non-grading system is in effect from grades 1 to 3.
A scoring system is introduced from grades 4 to 6, which allows for tracking academic achievements, comparing them with the results of independent assessment studies, and determining the level of readiness to study at the next level of education.
Intra-class assessment from grades 7 to 12 is criteria-based, aimed at determining progress in relation to educational results, stimulating internal motivation for learning, and developing skills of self-assessment, self-analysis and peer evaluation skills.
At the end of grade 12, a final assessment is conducted, the format and content of which take into account the areas of specialization.
The final grades of learning and final exams are taken into account as a total score for specialized subjects upon admission to vocational educational institutions.