USD 86.47
EUR 93.31
RUB 1.03

Interior Ministry to build barracks, gym, bathhouse for Internal Troops

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan has announced a tender for the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of a barrack with autoboxes, a gym, a bathhouse and industrial complex, as well as a checkpoint for the Internal Troops on the territory of the state residence. The state procurement portal says.

The tender was announced by the joint directorate of construction projects of the law enforcement agency.

The estimated cost of developing the project and estimate is 4,500 million soms.

The term for preparing the documents is 90 calendar days.

The joint directorate of construction projects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also announced a tender for design and estimate documentation for the construction of a kindergarten for 100 children in Batken. The planned cost of the development of documents is 1,490,709 soms.
