The activities of an underground casino Sun Club have been suppressed in Bishkek.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, officers of the Main Criminal Investigation Department received information about the organization of gambling activities within the city. It was established that unknown individuals had organized gambling using specialized gaming equipment.
A criminal case has been initiated under Article 219-1 «Illegal Organization of Gambling Activities» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Searches were conducted at Sun Club billiard club.
Gambling venues were discovered in the same building. At the time of the investigative and operational activities, visitors were playing poker in certain rooms of the club.
«According to preliminary data, the organizer of gambling is citizen E.A., 34. He created conditions for functioning of the gambling establishment, invited citizens to participate in games,» the statement says.
The suspect was detained and placed in a temporary detention facility. The investigation is ongoing.