An alternative North-South road will be opened in April this year. Aibek Kalmamatov, a road engineer of the Asian Development Bank’s project implementation group under the Ministry of Transport announced on the air of Birinchi Radio.
He noted that the cost of the investment project reached $887 million. The construction was financed by Eximbank of China, the Islamic Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank.
«We built two tunnels. By the end of 2024, we completed asphalt paving, lighting and installed ventilation. The main roads passing through the villages have also been completed in Dzhumgal district from Aral village to Kyzart pass. We will put the alternative route into operation in April. We are installing lighting and building sidewalks in Kuiruchuk, Dzhumgal, Tugolsai villages. We will also finish them by spring,» Aibek Kalmamatov said.
The Ministry of Transport of Kyrgyzstan began construction of the alternative North-South road in 2014. Its total length is 433 kilometers. The cost of the project is $850 million. The author is Kyrgyzdortransproekt.