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Without marble, diamonds: Officials develop new instruction on burial procedure

The State Agency for Civil Service and Local Government Affairs of Kyrgyzstan has developed a new instruction on the procedure for burying citizens and installing gravestones.

The agency clarifies that the executive body of local government / specialized service for funeral affairs now, after reviewing the submitted documents, gives permission to install a monument (memorial plaque), while warning the applicant about the need to comply with the requirements of the updated instruction.

Previously, President Sadyr Japarov signed a decree aimed at implementing the Law «On Burial and Funeral Services». The document, in particular, notes that Islam, practiced by the majority of Kyrgyzstan’s population, has its own burial rituals and funeral rules. However, wastefulness, vanity and disregard for the social status of other people are observed in the modern society. Relatives of the deceased often build large mausoleums and set up luxurious monuments, which causes public discontent.

According to the new rules, it is prohibited to erect and install monuments, memorials, statues and tombstones, as well as fences made of granite, marble, other precious stones (diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, alexandrites, natural pearls and others in raw and processed form), luxurious metal fences and combinations of these materials, regardless of the religion, social status, race, ethnicity, gender of the buried.

Gravestones should not exceed 0.70 meters in height.

«A fence should not be erected around a grave without urgent need. However, if there is a need, it is allowed to make a modest fence from wooden and metal materials that does not allow wastefulness and excess.

The inscriptions on the monument have to be made in a clear font indicating the name, surname, date of birth and death of the deceased. It is allowed to apply epitaphs and religious symbols corresponding to the religion of the deceased.

It is prohibited to use memorial signs containing elements that contradict public moral norms and order,» the instruction says.

Recall, the instruction previously stated that the maximum size of the monument has to comply with the standards: height — no more than 2 meters, width and length of the base — no more than 1.5 meters.
