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Leader of Yakyn-Inkar extremist group convicted in Batken

At least 12 local residents renounced the ideology of the radical extremist movement Yakyn-Inkar in Batken region. The press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

«41-year-old leader of the extremist group and nine members of Yakyn-Inkar were detained. By the decision of the Kadamdzhai District Court the man and his closest associate were found guilty and sentenced. Criminal cases against other members of Yakyn-Inkar have been separated. Appropriate operational and investigative measures are being carried out,» the statement says.

In order to reduce the activity of Yakyn-Inkar, the SCNS issued official warnings to its 12 members. They realized the harmfulness of the radical extremist ideology of Yakyn-Inkar and publicly renounced further membership in it.
