USD 87.86
EUR 93.94
RUB 1.00

Fraudsters promising to help with tender detained in Bishkek

Two women were detained in Bishkek on suspicion of fraud on an especially large scale. The press service of the Internal Affairs Department of Oktyabrsky district reported. The total damage amounted to 20 million soms.

On March 16, a businesswoman contacted the police. She asked to take action against an acquaintance who, after promising for three years to help with tenders and increase business income, took 20 million soms from the applicant. As a result, no profit was received, and the woman did not return the money.

The fact was registered under the article «Fraud» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. Law enforcement officers detained two suspects, 39-year-old and 45-year-old women, who were placed in the temporary detention center. Their involvement in other similar crimes is being established.
