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Russian government lifts ban on summer diesel exports

The Russian government decided to lift the temporary ban on the export of summer diesel fuel. Interfax reported, сiting the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The ban was introduced on September 21, 2023 as part of a set of measures to stabilize the price situation on the domestic motor fuel market.

«Over the past two months, while maintaining high volumes of oil refining at the refineries, the domestic market has been saturated with diesel fuel of all grades and motor gasoline. Since the beginning of the ban, wholesale prices for summer diesel fuel on the exchange have decreased, and its reserves amount to more than 3.2 million tons, which is 14 percent more than at the date of the ban,» the statement says.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation notes that the winter period is traditionally characterized by the completion of the refineries modernization cycle and reduced demand for summer diesel fuel.

Kyrgyzstan purchases almost all fuel from Russia. Therefore, the situation in the fuel market of the Russian Federation is reflected in the cost of fuel and lubricants in the country.