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Objects along republican roads to be dismantled in Kyrgyzstan

About 2,000 objects built with violations on the roadside were detected in Kyrgyzstan in 2023, and fines of almost 500,000 soms were imposed. The head of the department for control and supervision in the field of road transport safety of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Gulsada Ibraimova, told at a briefing.

According to her, the Ministry of Transport is unable to regulate such objects, since for a long time the lands of the roadside strips were on the balance sheet of local government bodies. They handed them over to private owners, who built shops, service stations and other facilities along the roads.

«The violators got off with a fine and continued to work. We asked the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Land Supervision Service and the Cabinet of Ministers to transfer sections of roadside plots to our balance sheet. In January, a new article «Demolition» was introduced into the Code of Offences. A regulation has been developed on the demolition of road service facilities. We started to penalize roadside violators for the second time. We will soon begin dismantling of the facilities,» Gulsada Ibraimova said.

She added that the size of the roadside strip of the projected public road is established depending on its category.
