USD 87.45
EUR 90.93
RUB 0.90

International codes assigned to government securities of Kyrgyzstan

International identification codes ISIN and CFI have been received for the first time for two-year government treasury bonds to attract foreign investors. The Kyrgyz Stock Exchange reported.

International Securities Identification Number, commonly abbreviated as ISIN, is a 12-bit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a security.

The structure of the ISIN code is determined by the ISO 6166 standard. The first two characters are letters that define the issuer’s country code according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (for example, Kyrgyz ISIN codes begin with the letters KG):

  • ISIN code of government treasury bonds 2 in soms — KG000A3LSC78;
  • ISIN code for government treasury bonds 2 in rubles — KG000A3LSJ06.

The CFI code (Classification of Financial Instruments) is a six-digit alphabetic code that contains basic information about a financial instrument (kind, type and form of issue, features of circulation, redemption, etc.).
