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Over 56 tons of tobacco products imported into Kyrgyzstan in 2023

At least 56,540 kilograms of tobacco products were imported into Kyrgyzstan for 10 months of 2023, electronic cigarettes and similar individual vaporizer devices — 4,923 kilograms. Deputy Chairperson of the Customs Service Elnura Mambetzhunusheva announced at a meeting of the Committee on Social Policy of the Parliament.

Parliament in the first reading considered the law «On protecting the health of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic from the consequences of tobacco consumption, nicotine and exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosol.»

Deputy Aida Isatbek kyzy asked what tax deductions and in what volume go to the budget from tobacco products.

The representative of the Tax Service said that 15 million soms in excise tax were paid to the budget on nicotine liquid, and 87 million — on electronic cigarettes.
