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March for increasing excise taxes on tobacco products held in Bishkek

A march for increasing excise taxes on tobacco products was held in Bishkek. About 20 people took part in the march.

They marched from the park named after Ivan Panfilov to the Sports Palace named after Kaba uulu Kozhomkul.

«We all are well aware of the ecological situation in the country. People sometimes want to just walk down the street and not breathe tobacco smoke. And next to them are people who are smoking. Passive smoking causes enormous damage to human health. Kyrgyzstanis want to breathe fresh air. Therefore, it is necessary to increase excise taxes on tobacco. If people want to harm their health, then let them at least pay higher taxes to the budget,» one of the march participants said.

To date, manufacturers of tobacco products transfer 2,250 soms from every thousand pieces of ordinary cigarettes to the budget of the republic as a tax. The base rate for the same number of sticks is 1,800 soms.