USD 87.45
EUR 91.63
RUB 0.97

Kyrgyzstan imports tomatoes for $8.8 million for six months

At least 15,708.1 tons of tomatoes for $8,829.3 million were imported to Kyrgyzstan in January — June 2023. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

Compared to last year, the figure decreased by 3,700 tons. Most of the tomatoes were imported from Turkmenistan (10,357 tons for $6.2 million) and Uzbekistan (5,063.4 tons for $2.3 million). The republic also bought tomatoes in Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey and China.

It should be noted that the export of the product was also registered for six months. The republic sold 418.9 tons for $175,500 to Kazakhstan (256.8 tons for $152,300) and Russia (162.1 tons for $23,200).
