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Kyrgyzstan develops new concept of environmental safety

A new concept of environmental safety has been developed in Kyrgyzstan. The corresponding draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers was submitted for public discussion by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision.

It is noted that the purpose of the document is to determine the current state of the environment and environmental safety, the main problems that need to be solved to implement Article 49 of the Constitution, which states that «everyone has the right to an ecological environment favorable for life and health.»

The ministry emphasizes that environmental safety as an integral part of national security is a prerequisite for the sustainable development of the country and is the basis for preserving natural systems and maintaining the appropriate quality of the environment.

«Degradation of natural systems leads to destabilization of the biosphere, the loss of its integrity and ability to maintain the required level of the environment. Irrational use of natural resources, increase in deforestation area, reduction in areas of fertile soils, growing scarcity and deterioration of water resources and ecosystems, decrease in landscape and biological diversity, environmental pollution, increased anthropogenic pressure have a negative impact on the environment, public health and various economic sectors and, in combination with increasing climate change, are a threat to environmental safety,» the ministry notes.

The Ministry of Natural Resources stresses the need to implement a unified state policy in the field of ecology and climate aimed at protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources, creating a new type of relationship between man and nature, taking into account the impact of climate change on the economy, the population and its various social groups.

«The natural environment should be included in the system of social and economic relations as the most valuable component of the national heritage,» the ministry concluded.
