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Transport Minister tells about rehabilitation of Epkin - Bashkuugandy road

Transport Minister of Kyrgyzstan Gulmira Abdralieva explained the delay in implementation of investment projects in Kochkor and Dzhumgal districts of Naryn region, financed by the Asian Development Bank, in particular at Epkin — Bashkuugandy project site. Press service of the ministry reported.

A meeting was reportedly held with the heads of rural administrations and deputies of local councils. Its participants discussed the delay in implementation of projects, date of start of work, the unsatisfactory condition of the carriageway of the project road on the territory of Dzhumgal district.

The minister noted that thanks to ADB financing funds are allocated for the maintenance of the road in the required volume and on time, and, following the results of the trip and meetings, tough measures will be taken against the heads of organizations who did not ensure the maintenance of the road after the last rainfall.

ADB recommended to recognize the third company as qualified based on the results of the tender. The bank noted that carrying out work without prior approval from ADB could lead to the cancellation of funding.

The companies’ financial proposals are being evaluated.
