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Pilot project on organic agriculture launched in Issyk-Kul region

A pilot project on organic agriculture starts in two villages of Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan. Director of the Department of Organic Agriculture Baktygul Askeralieva told at a press conference in Bishkek.

«Law on organic agriculture came into force in 2019. We have developed organic and environmental standards. The project was developed in the same year, which was supported by donors. Thus, programs for this type of farming have begun to be implemented in Tosor and Teploklyuchenka villages,» she said.

According to her, in addition to Issyk-Kul region, organic agriculture is being developed in Batken region, where apricots are grown.

«It is also planned to start growing organic almonds and pistachios in the south, grapes — in the foothills of Issyk-Kul and Chui regions, and beans and plums — in Talas. In addition, organic cotton was planted in Jalal-Abad region, and medicinal herbs from Issyk-Kul are also exported to Germany; an export contract with Spain was recently signed,» she told.

Organic agriculture is a farming method that minimizes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. To increase yields, control pests and weeds, it uses the effect of crop rotations, organic fertilizers, and various soil cultivation methods.
