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Kyrgyzaltyn denies transfer of $ 29 million to unauthorized bank account

Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC replied to the statement from Centerra Gold Inc. about an attempt to transfer about $ 29 million to an unauthorized bank account using a forged payment instruction.

Kyrgyzaltyn says that the accusation of falsification of payment documents and transactions related to «gold operations» on May 12, 2021 is puzzling.

«Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC did not carry out any financial transactions on this day and on the following days and, moreover, is not engaged in falsification of payment documents. Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC has always been a law-abiding joint stock company with a well-known name and business reputation, which it values. It should be noted that on May 17, 2021 the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted a resolution on imposing temporary external management on Kumtor Gold Company CJSC (KGC) and the Government appointed an interim external manager of KGC, in connection with which Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC did not and could not conduct any financial transactions with KGC gold on May 12,» the company commented.
