USD 88.85
EUR 94.92
RUB 0.96

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar close to 85 soms in Kyrgyzstan

U.S. dollar continues appreciating in Kyrgyzstan and its exchange rate is already close to 85 soms.

Today the currency is bought for 84.3-84.4 soms and sold for 84.75-84.8 soms. The nominal exchange rate was set by the National Bank of the country at 84,4817 soms (0.02 percent drop).

Over the weekend, the dollar has appreciated by 30 tyiyns, since the beginning of the month — by 1.8 soms.

According to the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan, the official exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the som has grown by 18.9 percent in 2020 — from 69,5117 to 82,6498 soms per $ 1.
