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Elections 2020: President of Kyrgyzstan addresses citizens

President of the country Sooronbai Jeenbekov addressed Kyrgyzstanis in connection with the upcoming elections of deputies to the Parliament of the country, which will be held on October 4, 2020.

24.kg news agency publishes the full text of the statement.

"Dear compatriots! On October 4, we will elect deputies to the Parliament. The Central Election Commission, the Republican Headquarters under the Government, local election commissions perform their duties within the framework of the law. The election campaign was conducted in conditions of a high political competition. The time has come when the vote of every voter will be decisive.

The qualitative composition of the future Parliament will have a direct impact on the development of our country in the next five years.

Therefore, each of us must necessarily exercise our right to vote.

These elections must be fair, reflecting the free expression of the will of our citizens. All conditions have been created to achieve this goal. The legal framework was determined a year before the elections. The election rules were known to political parties and voters in advance. We strive to ensure the fairness of elections not only during voting and tabulation, but also at all stages of the electoral process. We have introduced new norms into legislation, in order to prevent violations of the law, prosecute illegal actions and prevent the use of administrative resources.

Dear leaders of political parties, candidates! Equal conditions were created for all parties for conducting the campaign. There were no obstacles to the expression of political positions and views.

I urge you not to go beyond the electoral legislation. Don’t forget that bribery of voters is punishable by law! There will definitely be a winning and a losing side in any fight.

I am sure that the losers will not be led by their personal ambitions and will not provoke a split in society or harm peace and stability in the country. Let us not forget that all decisive measures will be taken within the framework of the law against those, whose actions will threaten the unity of the people, interethnic harmony, integrity of our state and the rule of law.

Dear compatriots! On the election day, the attention of the entire international community will be riveted to our country. I hope that this day will remain in the history of our country as a day of manifestation of high political culture. Let’s hold elections without losing our national honor and dignity. Representatives of 16 parties who took part in the election race and achieved victory are worthy sons and daughters of our people. We believe that there is no higher value for you than the well-being of people and peace of mind in society. For all of us, the interests of the country are above all!

Dear voters! For whom to vote is a personal decision of everyone, personal expression of will. No one has the right to pressure or impose their opinion. Each voter decides the fate of the country.

Determines the political, economic, social, cultural direction of the state’s development. The program and long-term goals of each party participating in the elections are clear. Therefore, on October 4, each of us has to make our political choice!

My dear fellow citizens! I am sure that we will show political insight and will not make a mistake with our choice, voting for those who will serve not their own interests, but the interests of the people. I wish each of you good health, prosperity and success. May the Almighty protect our beloved Kyrgyzstan and may peace always reign on our fertile land!".
