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Two state crisis centers to be opened in Bishkek and Osh

Two state crisis centers will be opened in Bishkek and Osh cities. The Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Altynai Omurbekova said at a meeting of the National Council for Women and Gender Development under the Government. Press service of the Cabinet reported.

Altynai Omurbekova noted that the beginning of the year was overshadowed by unprecedented cruel murders of two women and an unimaginable case of burning of a common-law wife.

«Domestic violence is a situation, when a victim cannot overcome the problem independently. Intervention of state institutions and society is necessary here, as the most vulnerable members of the family — women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities — often become victims,» said Altynai Omurbekova.

She recalled that in order to enforce the law on the protection from domestic violence, the government approved a number of documents in this area in August 2019. However, they did not change the situation.

«According to the police, 7,045 misconducts as a result of domestic violence were registered in 2019; at least 6,145 protection orders were issued, but only 649 criminal cases were sent to court,» she recalled.

Altynai Omurbekova called on the prosecution bodies to keep each fact of domestic violence under special control, to carry out special supervision over enforcement of the law, and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — to regularly work with personnel on the need for a special attitude to the facts of domestic violence both at the stage of response and investigation.

The Vice Prime Minister said that two state crisis centers would be opened in the near future in Bishkek and Osh, and committees to prevent domestic violence would be established in all cities and rural administrations.

«Work will continue on placement of a state social order on work with victims of violence with a possible increase in funding. The example of committees for prevention of domestic violence, previously created with the support of international partners, has shown effectiveness,» she said.

Recall, two tragedies, when two women died as a result of family quarrels from cruel beating by their spouses, occurred in Kyrgyzstan during the New Year holidays.
