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PM admits humiliation and violence against women in Kyrgyzstan

Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev commented on the deaths of women in Batken and Naryn regions as a result of domestic violence. The Information Support Department of the Government Office reported.

The head of the Cabinet said that the terrifying facts of violence against women would not be left without state attention. According to him, the Government intends to step up work on protection of the rights and interests of women and children.

Unfortunately, we are forced to admit that women in our country often suffer from humiliation and are subjected to violence by the closed ones.

Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev

«In recent days, the republic was shocked by the news of domestic violence in Batken and Naryn regions, which led to the deaths of young women, mothers. All of them became victims of domestic violence, and the children actually became orphans. Their mothers died at the hands of husbands, who will now be severely punished for the crime. Recent tragic cases indicate that the problem of domestic violence is more acute today than ever. For various reasons, women suffer from beatings and bullying, some cases end in tragedies,» he said.

The Prime Minister instructed to begin work on improving national legislation to improve mechanisms to ensure protection of citizens from domestic violence.

«It was ordered to accelerate work of the working group to study the issue of toughening penalties for domestic violence and violence against children. This work should be carried out in close collaboration with representatives of civil society and international organizations. The head of the Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and local authorities, to step up awareness-raising work among the population on family violence issues,» the Government said.

Recall, two tragedies occurred in Kyrgyzstan during New Year holidays, when two women died as a result of family quarrels after being brutally beaten by their husbands.
