The State National Russian Drama Theater named after Chingiz Aitmatov will stage its best plays for spectators of Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Magnitogorsk in Russia. The Association of Russian Theaters Abroad reported.
On November 9 — 10, viewers of Magnitogorsk will see two performances: the graphic suit «Field» based on the story by Chingiz Aitmatov «Mother’s Field» and a tragicomedy in one act «Animal Stories» based on the play by the American playwright Don Nigro.
The theater from Bishkek took part in the project «Big Tour» of the Federal Agency for the Support of Touring Activities under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The upcoming tour is a return visit of the Chingiz Aitmatov National Russian Drama Theater as part of the Big Tour. The staff of the Russian State Academic Drama Theater named after F. Volkov from Yaroslavl performed in Bishkek in September.