USD 88.84
EUR 95.29
RUB 0.96

ADB to allocate grant for additional financing of projects in Kyrgyzstan

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $ 10 million grant for multisectoral activity support mechanism. ADB Resident Mission in the republic reported.

This is the first project in ADB that uses a low-cost financing mechanism. It is aimed at increase of efficiency, sustainability, responsiveness and preparedness of ADB-funded projects and programs in Kyrgyzstan.

The grant will finance preparation of projects for development and procurement preparedness of subsequent ADB projects, small pilot projects to demonstrate new technologies, international standards and management approaches for possible scaling. In addition, support for implementation of ongoing ADB projects is possible to ensure effective achievement of project outcomes, capacity building and additional support for completed ADB projects.

The first event of the mechanism will assist in further modernization of water treatment facilities in Kyrgyzstan, which was supported by ADB in September 2016. The planned modernization will provide access to safe and reliable water supply for more than 400,000 people.
