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Participants of anti-Putin picket banned from leaving Kyrgyzstan

Participants of an anti-Putin picket Nurlan Karymshakov and his wife Gulzana Imaeva are prohibited from leaving Kyrgyzstan. The investigation continues. The investigator appointed the third examination of the content of the posters that they held during the anti-Putin picket on the eve of the state visit of the Russian president to Bishkek.

Earlier, the head of the Media Policy Institute Begaim Usenova told 24.kg news agency that the first linguistic examination was conducted by specialists of the State Forensic Service together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The second conclusion was given by Russian linguists Elizaveta Koltunova (Candidate of Philological Sciences, current member of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in documentary and informational disputes; her work experience in the specialty is 40 years, experience in expert activities is 20 years) and Sergey Davydov (Candidate of Philological Sciences, work experience is — over 15 years, experience in expert work is over 10 years).

According to the results of a broad analysis of the texts submitted for the study, Russian experts came to the conclusion that there were no statements containing negative assessments of any national, racial, religious or other social group; statements of a hostile, aggressive or derogatory nature towards persons of any national, racial, religious or other social group were absent; there was no call for action; statements justifying any actions have not been found.

On the basis of this conclusion, the lawyer filed a motion to terminate the criminal case because of the absence of elements of crime in the actions of Nurlan Karymshakov and Gulzana Imaeva. However, not being satisfied with the conclusions of the experts, the investigator appointed the third linguistic expertise.
