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Bishkek hosts protest against amendments to Water Code

Civil activists hold a picket against the amendments to the Water Code at a White House in the center of Bishkek.

According to one of the organizers of the picket Mavlyan Askarbekov, last week a meeting of civil activists, members of the government, MPs on the amendments to the Code was held, but the parties did not agree.

«We got acquainted with the situation at Kumtor mine onsite, and the situation is really difficult. For 20 years of its operations, the company destroyed up to 70 percent of Davydov glacier, and besides, it started development on Sary-Tor glacier, and, perhaps, it will repeat the fate of Davydov glacier,» the activist said.

He also recalled that a tailing dump had been constructed near Petrov Lake.

Now the Water Code is considered in the Parliament in the third reading, and we came here to express our position, to say that we are against illegal decision on the Code.

Mavlyan Askarbekov

According to him, law enforcement officers showed the court’s decision on ban of mass campaigns on the square till inauguration of the president.

«We have not been given this decision in the hands, I want to say that according to the Constitution every citizen has the right to express his position, the courts, knowing these norms of the Basic Law, make such decisions,» he said.
