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Celebration of Nooruz holiday in Bishkek. Photoreport

A theatrical performance devoted to Nooruz holiday took place at Ala-Too Square in Bishkek. Speaker of the Parliament Dastanbek Dzhumabekov and Mayor of Bishkek Aziz Surakmatov congratulated city residents and guests of the capital on the holiday.

The Assembly of the Peoples of Kyrgyzstan organized an exhibition of arts and crafts in front of the House of Friendship of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism. A concert of performance groups took place there.

An exhibition-fair of flowers and honey was opened on Victory Square for the citizens.

An applied arts exhibition works in Fuchik park, master classes, contests, and sports games took place there.

The main festivities were held in the city center, but festive events were organized in all districts of the capital.
