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About 10,000 children annually remain in incomplete family in Kyrgyzstan

About 10,000 children annually remain in an incomplete family in Kyrgyzstan. Deputy of the Parliament Aisuluu Mamashova told at a round table discussion in 24.kg news agency.

According to her, more than 40,000 marriages are registered in the country every year, 20 percent of them break up.

«About 10,000 children grow up in single-parent families. Approximately 10,000 children are in orphanages, and only 6 percent of them are orphans. If we take the number of our population, this number is terrifying. The number of divorces and the number of children left without care are increasing every year. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of parents to their children,» said Aisuluu Mamashova.
