«The main problem in home insurance against natural disasters and fires is the lack of required for this documents in almost 80 percent of the population,» Chairman of the Board of the State Insurance Organization, Dzhumagul Egamberdieva, said at the meeting with the Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev on the activities of the organization. The Information Support Department of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic reported.
Dzhumagul Egamberdieva informed that 86,000 houses have already been insured. «It is necessary to conduct a campaign on preferential commissioning of houses and issuance of technical passports to the population at reduced prices, or for free,» she said.
For two years, the organization made insurance payments to the population for a total of 17,653.8 million soms.
The Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev instructed to intensify work with the population and clarify the importance of insurance, as well as set the number of insured houses as one of the criteria for assessing the activity of local government bodies.
It is necessary to instill in the citizens a culture of insurance of their property. This measure will provide effective assistance to victims of natural disasters, fires and reduce the burden on the state budget.
Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev
The head of government instructed the relevant government bodies and plenipotentiary representatives of the government in the regions to intensify work on compulsory insurance of housing against emergency situations.