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About 38,000 young specialists graduate from Kyrgyz universities annually

About 35,000-38,000 young specialists graduate from the higher education institutions of Kyrgyzstan annually and only about 8,000 of them are registered as unemployed. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic presented such data.

«According to the National Statistical Committee, the number of officially registered unemployed among the citizens of Kyrgyzstan, who do not have higher education, is much higher. Thus, the higher education increases the chances of finding a job,» the ministry stressed.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education collected applications from 26 higher educational institutions for the allocation of grant places, taking into account university agreements concluded with employers.

In total, universities signed contracts with employers to train 13,074 specialists.

According to the Ministry of Labor, in 2021-2022, more than 36,000 specialists will be required. The industry, construction, agriculture, transport and communications, as well as services, health and education spheres have the highest personnel demand.
