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Police Lieutenant Colonel arrested in Kyrgyzstan with 19 kg of drugs

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have detained a police officer with 19 kg of hashish. Information was confirmed in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is specified that the law enforcement officer was detained on Osh — Batken road.

«Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Batken region on Osh — Batken road stopped Honda Inspire car. The driver was a senior security officer of the Drug Trafficking Control Department for Batken region, Police Lieutenant Colonel. When inspecting the car’s interior, a bag with 16 wrapped briquettes was found. A criminal case was opened under the Article «Illegal manufacture, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer with the purpose to sell, as well as illegal production or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs or precursors.»

An examination found out that the packages contained hashish of Afghan origin weighing 19 kilograms 650 grams.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also informed that the detained police officer was placed in the pretrial detention center of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Osh city.
