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Drivers to undergo retraining in driving school for 3 traffic violations

Drivers will be obliged to undergo retraining in a driving school for three traffic violations in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted amendments to the Code of Administrative Responsibility for public discussion.

The bill provides for administrative penalty in the form of additional training in a driving school with the subsequent testing of traffic rules knowledge.

Drivers of vehicles, who committed three or more offenses during a year, are proposedly to undergo retraining.

Previously, the government considered introducing a points-based system for violators of traffic rules.

The bill also increases the fine five times for violation of the conditions and rules of licensing of transportation, transport forwarding and other activities related to the operation, repair and maintenance of vehicles. Citizens will have to pay a fine of fifty, and officials — a hundred calculated indices (5,000 and 10,000 soms, respectively).

In addition, fines for speeding on the road, ignoring the stop line, driving to the prohibiting traffic light and not fastened seat belt are to be increased.

It is offered to impose a fine of 20 calculated indices (2,000 soms) for driving a faulty vehicle.
