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Trace of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in purchase of MegaCom deal

A journalist Elnura Alkanova claims that an oligarch, connected with the head of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev, wants to buy MegaCom through a shell company.

The Swiss company ALF Consulting S.A. is affiliated with the Russian millionaires Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich, owners of Ilim Group OJSC, the leading companies in terms of production in pulp, paper and woodworking industries of Russia. The Zingarevichs occupy the 142nd place in the list of richest people in Russia according to Forbes with a capital of $ 700 million.

Direct link between ALF Consulting S.A. and Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich can be traced through the following facts.

Two other companies — Ilim Holding S.A. and Ilim Timber Trading S.A- are registered at the actual and legal address of ALF Consulting S.A. In its turn, Ilim Holding S.A. owns 92.84 percent of Ilim Group OJSC.

Both companies have not only identical addresses, but also managers. According to the founding documents of ALF Consulting S.A. and Ilim Holding S.A., the administrator of the both companies is the same person — Patrick Bittel, and the director of two companies is the same woman named Albina Boeckli.

The Russian media repeatedly mentioned close ties between Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich and the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In the 1990s, he worked as a lawyer in the company of the Zingarevichs and was a co-owner of Fintzell CJSC, which created Ilim Pulp Enterprise.

24.kg news agency found out that ALF Consulting S.A. is an intermediary for 496 offshore companies registered in the Seychelles, Panama, British Virgin Islands.

The company was founded in 2004. This is a small private company in the field of consulting services, located in Geneva (Switzerland). It has five full-time employees and generates an annual income of $1.38 million.
