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Supreme Court upholds decision in defense of Atambayev on claims against Zanoza

Today, the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan considered three appeals from the Public Foundation ProMedia (founder of the information website Zanoza.kg) and codefendants Kanatbek Aziz and Taalaykul Toktakunova.

The lawsuits were filed earlier by the Prosecutor General in defense of the honor and dignity of President Almazbek Atambayev.

The court proceedings were scheduled for 14.00, 14.30 and 15.00. That is, the judges were given half an hour for consideration of each of the three cases.

Bishkek City Court recovered three million from Zanoza.kg and five million from each of the lawyers of Omurbek Tekebayev.

In general, Prosecutor General Indira Dzholdubaeva filed five lawsuits in defense of the honor and dignity of President Almazbek Atambayev. Together with ProMedia and its two founders, the plaintiff demands payment of 27 million soms in compensation to Almazbek Atambayev and from other co-respondents — other 13 million soms.

Representatives of ProMedia asked the court to cancel the decisions of the first instances, since the claim was unreasonable, they asked to send the case for new consideration to the district court for establishing the truth. Prosecutors were against it.

The Supreme Court decided to uphold the decisions of the lower courts.

The Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic will have to consider cassational appeals in two more cases — the lawsuit against Zanoza.kg and ex-MP Cholpon Dzhakupova as well as against Zanoza.kg and Naryn Aiyp.
