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Prime Minister recommended to dismiss state secretary of Health Ministry

The Council on the State Civil and Municipal Service recommended the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic to dismiss the State Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Jazgul Kiyizbayeva.

The decision was made in connection with the violation of the established rules for hiring, the reply of the State Service to the chairman of Our Right Fund Kalicha Umuralieva says.

In regard to the staff of the State Personnel Department, who made a mistake in calculating the length of Kiyizbayeva’s service, disciplinary measures will be taken.

The decision of the council is directed to the head of the Cabinet. «Sapar Isakov instructed the Minister of Health to resolve the issue within the law and give an idea of ​​the dismissal within three days. However, this has not been done yet,» Kalicha Umuralieva told 24.kg news agency.

Recall, in August 2017 the presidential and prime minister’s office complained of violations during the appointment of State Secretary of the Ministry of Health Jazgul Kiyizbayeva. Later the ministry reacted to the claims.

It was reported that Kiyizbayeva didn’t have the required length of service in the state or municipal service. Her experience — only 2 years 11 months 22 days, no experience of leadership work in other areas of activity. Although by law, the minimum length of service must be at least five years. In addition, she got not the highest scores in testing.
