Most of the population, namely 67.5 percent, is against the legislative permission of polygamy in
The survey was reportedly aimed at studying the attitude of the population to the idea of legalizing polygamy, put forward by religious figures at the roundtable discussion on June 10, 2017, and also to the degree of protection of the rights of women and girls.
Only 21.7 percent support the initiative of religious figures. Number of men, who support such initiative, was higher than the number of women (33.8 compared to 10.8%).
A high number of those, who support the idea of legalizing polygamy, was registered among the residents of Osh (42.9%), Talas (30.8%) and Batken regions (31.1%).
According to the survey, the highest number of supporters of the idea of religious figures is among the Muslims (22.8 percent). The least of all is among the Christians -5.6 percent. The initiative to legalize polygamy also finds support among non-professing citizens of the country — 11.1 percent.
«The majority of respondents who support the legalization of polygamy do not object to giving their daughter or sister for such marriage, or officially become the second or third wife (if respondent is a woman) — 56.9 percent. However, one third of the respondents from this number (28.8 percent) is against such a proposal. There are more women respondents who disagreed with this opinion than men (47.6 versus 22 percent).
The villagers are more against such proposal than the urban residents (28.8% versus 20.8%).
According to the document, 37.5 percent of the surveyed support the opinion of clergymen that women need to be provided throughout their lives, not allowing them to earn on their own.
«Respondents who disagree with this opinion amount to 56.8 percent. The older is the person’s age, the more skeptical he is with respect to this judgment," the data says.
The opinions of men vary considerably depending on the marital status. The highest proportion of those who support the idea of polygamy with regard to life-long provision of women are among men who have never been married (62.2 percent).
The highest percentage of those disagreeing with life-long maintenance of women is among the divorced men (83.3%).
According to every fourth respondent (23.6 percent), a modern Kyrgyz man can support more than one wife. Male respondents are surer of it than women (29.2 versus 18.5 percent).
Most of the female respondents (72.5%) tend to think that modern men of Kyrgyzstan are not able to maintain more than one wife.