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Consequences of mudflows being eliminated in Chui region

Intensive snow melting began in Zhaiyl district of Chui region due to heavy rains and rising air temperatures, as a result of which Kaisar village in Suusamyr aiyl aimak was damaged. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan reported.

Five rescuers from the Fire and Rescue Unit No. 22 of the Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Chui region left for the scene with two motor pumps. A tractor from Suusamyr aiyl aimak was also used to eliminate the consequences of the mudflow.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations’ employees blew up the ice on the river to free the riverbed. The situation was resolved.

The 112 service also received a message about flooding in the village of Arpa-Tekir in Ibraimov aiyl aimak of Chui region.

On March 24 at 9.20 p.m., an operational group of the Emergency Situations Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Chui region left for the scene to eliminate the consequences of the flooding. An excavator and a tractor from the village of Ibraimov and ten people from among the local residents were also additionally involved.
