At least 36 cases of maternal mortality were registered in Kyrgyzstan in 2024. The Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health, Raisa Asylbasheva, told news agency.
According to her, this is two cases less than in 2023.
«Maternity hospitals are improving the conditions of women’s stay. One-day stay wards have been opened in the regions, Bishkek and Osh, where the categories of patients are known, who require immediate delivery or further treatment. In addition, a system of redirecting pregnant women from the district to a higher level is working,» Raisa Asylbasheva said.
She noted that personnel training and experience exchange are carried out on an ongoing basis. Domestic specialists are sent to the Kulakov National Research Medical Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology in Russia to practice their skills in providing emergency obstetric care.
«We are also improving standards, updating clinical guidelines for obstetric care, and conducting confidential analysis of maternal mortality, which helps analyze omissions and prevent them in the future,» Raisa Asylbasheva added.
According to her, up to 70 percent of pregnant women register on time — before 12 weeks. But there are still cases, when women seek medical help late in a serious condition. In addition, the problem of extragenital diseases that affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth is relevant.