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Maternal mortality. Pregnant consciously conceal their diseases

The second report on confidential investigation of maternal mortality cases for 2014-2015 has been drawn up in Kyrgyzstan.

According to the document, during this period, 141 women died as a result of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and 42 days postpartum, that accounted for 44 deaths per 100,000 live births.

This is 11 times higher than in Belarus, where this indicator was 4 per 100,000 live births, 3.7 times higher than in Kazakhstan (12) and 2.5 times higher than in Uzbekistan (20).

«The lack of a permanent job is the most important social risk factor for maternal mortality. Only 17.6 percent of the deceased women had jobs. Along with financial difficulties, women’s refusal to cooperate with medical workers had a significant impact on the fatal outcome,» the report says.

Most often, a pregnant woman deliberately concealed her illness. So, some women concealed epilepsy in order not to take anticonvulsant drugs, believing that this could adversely affect the baby.

Others thought that it was «shameful» to have such diseases as tuberculosis and epilepsy, and eventually were transported to the medical institutions in serious condition. A number of women, knowing that they will be offered abortion for medical reasons, since previous pregnancies had been already terminated due to the presence of a severe general disease (cardiovascular pathology, kidney disease), concealed pregnancy and entered maternity hospitals with serious complications.

The low awareness of future mothers about dangerous signs of pregnancy greatly contributed to the lethal outcome.
